Phone: 314-868-0700 



ISO Public Protection Classification 3 – effective December 1, 2017

In 2014, Riverview Fire Protection District had an ISO rating of Class 4.  Jennings Fire Department was a Class 5. Insurance Service Office (ISO) re-evaluates every five to ten years to determine if the ratings have gone up, or down.  The last time Riverview Fire Protection District (prior to the merge with Jennings Fire Department) was rated was in 2004.  In order to improve our ISO classification (improvement is denoted by a lower number), there are many criteria that need to be met, some of which include: number of personnel on the fireground, district training, mutual aid training, water supply in the district, etc.
It is with great pleasure that we can announce to our District that we have met the criteria to lower our classification since Chief Keith Goldstein has joined our team in 2016. Chief Goldstein worked with ISO in the North County Fire & Rescue for the the first time since the merge with Jennings Fire Department.  As a result, all areas that North County Fire & Rescue provides service for now have a Public Protection Classification of 3.  
What does the ISO Classification mean to our residents and commerical business owners:  
ISO has lowered our rating and this can potentially be reflected by lowering your insurance costs.  Contact your insurance providers as soon as possible.
How can a RFPD resident/commerical business get information about lowering their insurance costs: Call your insurance provider and notify them of the lower classification effective 12/1/17.  The fire district will not be able to contact every insurance carrier.  Unfortunately, this is the responsiblity of the individuals owning or renting within our district. CALL YOUR INSURANCE PROVIDERS TODAY!